Monday, May 10, 2010

Pogy Me Hone MCAS! (I hope none of you here speak Gaelic)

Ugh, at school we have two days of the stupidest test ever. It's called the MCAS. It stands for Massachusetts something something something. It doesn't even grade us! It grades the teachers! My mom says it grades us by comparing us to other kids, and at my age that's the WORST thing you can do. The reason I said I hope none of you speak Gaelic is because "hone" is a swear. It basically means kiss my butt. So, yea, worst test ever and as far as I'm concerned it can kiss my butt. :P It's only is MA too. You guys are so lucky you don't have to take it. Another issue with my school is my class. Especially in Science...I'D LIKE TO MAKE MY SELF BELIEVE...sorry, that song just came on my CD player. *sees Alia approaching with chain saw* uh...Ignoring that...I have the worst seat EVER in Science. I sit next to a kid who's obnoxious and has no idea that he is. He has about this much space: |abcdef| on the table, and I have about this much: || (scale model) hmmm...something's wrong with this picture. I sit across from Logan a.k.a. Mr. Lemming a.k.a. Logan Airport a.k.a. Logi a.k.a. The Town Crier a.k.a. The Kid of Many Nicknames (I will gladly tell you each of those stories if you comment and ask). I have the perfect spot to listening to Kyle and his stupid baby laugh, he literally sounds like a crying baby when he laughs. And I have to watch Delia and Robby (a.k.a. Mr. "I blew up a propane tank") fighting because Robby cheats in class. More MCAS tomorrow. See ya on Wizard101!


My2Cents said...

I did florida version of that O:

Amber said...

Anything must be better than TAKS
(TAKS is my state test)

Memories said...

TCAP=A week where the teachers feel like giving you 3 hours for a test and you use half of the time. That's my state test.

Lyssie Silverheart said...

well i have to take feild tests for the NEXT YEAR STUDENTS!! your lucky you don't have to take a test for other people

Donna SpellThorn said...
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