Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rick Consiparcy.

I heard what happened to Ronan, and I am NOT happy. For those of you who don't know, some jerk named Rick took over Ronan's blog. For those of you who don't have good "empathy skills" try and put yourself in Ronan's shoes. What if some stranger you've never met came up to you and said: "Oh nice blog. I'm gonna take it over now, so, see ya!" Rick, you are not welcome on this blog. My followers are friends, people I LIKE. I do not like you. I hereby promise to delete each comment you make here. I will also try as hard as I can to remove you from my followers. In rebellion, I'm going to try to start a conspiracy against Rick.

If you want to join this conspiracy type these words as a you comment. WE WILL RUN RICK RIGHT OUT OF THE BLOGGING BUISNESS! JOIN ME, IF YOU PLEASE!


Trouble Maker said...

Stopped him, that !*#** #$*$(@( #$&$&#. Sry bout the language ;P. He is now forever banned from blogger. FOREVERZ!

M.W.S said...

I agree...

Donna SpellThorn said...

I looked at Ricks/Yours blog and MAN talk about full of himself? Oh, and Ronan, you gotta get that awesome little hamster thing back on your blog.